History of EFT
Emotional Freedom Techniques
EFT is not as old as acupuncture; it is the result of a long evolution of ancient methods combined with Western medical practices.
Acupuncture was developed to treat physical problems,
EFT adds consideration of the emotional or psychological origin of a symptom.
George Goodheart, chiropractor
Dr George Goodheart is a chiropractor known in the United States for developing the Kinesiology method of muscle testing.
Goodheart has also studied acupuncture.
By replacing the insertion of needles with tapping or manual pressure on acupuncture points, he found that he could achieve the same results.
This was a major breakthrough, allowing the benefits of acupressure to be applied to people who were anxious about needles. In 1964, he developed a new method called Applied Kinesiology.
John diamond, Psychiatrist
John Diamond, an Australian psychiatrist, created ‘Behavioural Kinesiology’ in the early 1970s.
Based on Goodheart’s Applied Kinesiology, Diamonds treats his patients’ emotional problems by adding an interesting component: he uses positive affirmations (self-declarations or positive thoughts) at the same time as stimulating certain acupuncture points. This combination of techniques promotes emotional changes as well as physical conditions.
EFT allows us to free ourselves from unwanted emotions and limited ideas about our potential, It helps us to manage and improve many aspects of our lives and opens up new possibilities.
Roger Callahan, psychologist
In the early 1980s, Dr Roger Callahan, an American psychologist specialising in anxiety disorders, was practising Applied Kinesiology and studying the meridian and acupuncture systems in order to find better answers to some of the problems his patients were experiencing.
He discovered that if a person concentrated on a specific fear at the same time as tapping on the points, that fear could be removed, often permanently. He called this method of treatment the “Callahan Technique”, which he later renamed “TFT” (Thought Field Therapy).
Dr. Roger Callahan
Points EFT

Gary Craig, the student by Roger Callahan
Despite its effectiveness, Callahan’s technique had certain drawbacks: the muscle test had to be carried out by a specialist in muscle testing to be reliable.
Gary Craig was one of Roger Callahan’s best students. In 1990, he decided to use a personal and individual approach and created the “Emotional Freedom Technique” (EFT).
Since 1998, he has been teaching EFT and continues to work on refining and simplifying the technique while maintaining positive and measurable results.
An evidence-based method
EFT is an evidence-based method that continues to be researched and refined by many practitioners and groups around the world.
Numerous publications have been developed in highly respected, peer-reviewed journals.
Renowned groups around the world have developed EFT training and certification for those who wish to use the tool.
Karl Dawson’s EFTMRA and Matrix Reimprinting Academy, represented by Caroline Rhodes of the Body Group in Hong Kong, is one of these recognised groups from which I obtained my training and certification as a practitioner.
Caroline Rhodes from Body Group