What is Reiki?

REI is the expression of "universal living energy", present in everything and designating the Celestial aspect: subtle, invisible.
KI is the Chinese Qi (tchi) or Indian prana: the internal energy of every human being. It is this energy that Qi Gong, Tai Qi and martial arts practitioners strive to maintain and develop, to improve their physical abilities and/or increase their longevity. This same energy circulates throughout the body via the meridians, along which specific points are used by acupuncturists.
A method for balancing vital energy
Reiki is a method of balancing vital energy by applying the hands, founded by Mikao Usui Sensei in Japan.
Reiki is a simple, easy method, practised by placing the hands on or over the body in order to bring our ki = overall vital energy into harmony with rei = the powerful, invisible energy of the Universe, the energy that surrounds us (our immediate and global environment) in order to regain serenity, vitality and harmony.
Reiki is based on the principle that everything is energy, as expressed in Albert Einstein’s formula E = MC2.
So everything is made up of energy and everything emits energy: from the atom to the basic building blocks of life, plants, animals, humans, the atmosphere, space, the sun and the whole universe.
Everything is interconnected, everything is vibratory in the universe and everything is ONE, and we are in this universe. This is one of the phrases in Mikao Sui’s fundamental principles of Reiki.
I am the Universe
and the Universe is in me
Everything is energy

Reiki is a Japanese relaxation technique practised by placing your hands on a clothed person, either sitting or lying down.

Reiki is a natural method of helping to balance and harmonise the body’s energy centres.

Reiki is used to prevent illness and as a complement to medical treatment, enhancing its effectiveness.

Reiki regenerates the body, improves health and brings relaxation, soothing, general well-being and inner peace.
Benefits from
the very first session
Reiki brings benefits from the very first session, but it is recommended that you have more than one in order to feel the significant benefits and achieve lasting well-being.
Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki, wanted a natural healing method that was detached from any religion. He recommended practising certain simple ethical ideals to promote peace and harmony, which are universal in all cultures.
Reiki enables us to connect our own energy to the Universal energy.
A Reiki practitioner never transmits his or her own energy. They “capture”, “channel” and allow the circulation of Universal Energy between the Source (the Universe) and the Receiver (the person being treated).
Reiki enables the circulation of Universal energy to harmonise the vital “chi” energy of an individual or another person, to promote their personal well-being and that of their family, friends, animals and plants.
Reiki is an “intelligent” energy, which spreads itself to the parts of the body that need it. Its circulation or ‘flow’ stops when the body’s overall energy is balanced .
Reiki is a practice that is accessible to everyone and requires no special knowledge, aptitude or gift, just acceptance and open-mindedness.
It is possible for each and every one of us to live this experience in complete freedom and awareness.
It is particularly beneficial to conceive of this practice as a ‘WAY’ as a WHOLE, and therefore to experiment with its various facets at one’s own pace.
Regular and sustained practice will have positive repercussions on all levels of our Being (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual).
Reiki helps us to get to know ourselves better, allows us to carry out a genuine process of purification, revealing the best in ourselves.
Reiki Shihan Master
I am a Reiki Shihan Master and am qualified to train people
for levels 1-2 and 3.

1- Shokyu
Self-care, breathing method, energetic cleansing of places, objects, animals and plants

2- Chukyu
Amplify your Reiki and practice on others.

3- Jyokyu
A more spiritual, more sublime approach to practising for the self.
Your questions
Can the practice of Reiki have harmful effects ?
Because there is nothing to interfere with conventional medical care during a Reiki session, this practice has no known contraindications and can be used simultaneously with any medical intervention.
Can I get Reiki support if I'm on medication ?
The laying on of hands during Reiki practice is very light, even without contact with the body. The recipient is not required to ingest any substances, so there are no concerns about mixing substances (such as herbs) and medical prescriptions.
Is Reiki recommended after surgery ?
Reiki will not replace the action of medical interventions, but will intervene in support of the patient by re-establishing balance in the body, and the mind as far as possible. Patients who feel well even when battling a chronic illness are more likely to complete their medical treatment and be active partners in their healthcare.
Can Reiki intensify symptoms ?
Some people may experience a worsening or intensification of symptoms during or after a Reiki session but this is a normal temporary reaction to a change.
Sometimes people may also feel a momentary discomfort in the area of an old injury or surgical scar.
Such an experience is part of the body’s healing process and fades quickly.
Is there a risk of receiving too much energy ?
Because the activation of the Reiki pulses in the practitioner’s hands adjusts to the changing needs of the recipient and stops when appropriate, you cannot get too much Reiki, no matter how long the practitioner’s hands are in place.