The Laughter Yoga
What is Laughter Yoga?
LAUGHTER YOGA is a form of exercise that combines movement, coordination, with the deep breaths of Pranayama yoga to initiate laughter.
As the session progresses, the laughter becomes real and contagious.
When laughter becomes real and contagious
LAUGHTER YOGA is easy to practice by anyone in any physical condition and does not require balance or flexibility.
This is why the method is so successful in more than 105 countries around the world.
The benefits of LAUGHTER YOGA are felt from the first session, quickly bringing complete well-being to those who practice it.
Immediate benefits
LAUGHTER YOGA is practiced in associations, but also in companies, schools and universities, with the elderly etc.
Many doctors and specialists have integrated LAUGHTER YOGA into their practices and have even introduced it in some hospital departments.
"When the doctor makes the patient laugh, it is the best sign in the world!" - The doctor despite himself, Molière
With Maduri and Dr Madan Kataria
Support for your health
Laughter Yoga promotes blood circulation, stimulates the immune system, relaxes muscles, relaxes the nervous system, relieving tension, releasing stress and strengthening metabolism.
LAUGHTER YOGA brings a feeling of WELL BEING, ENERGY and SELF-CONFIDENCE. When you feel more comfortable in communication, it promotes meetings and brings an improvement in life in society.
We do not laugh because we are happy, but we are happy because we laugh. - Dr. Madan Kataria
the healing
Our natural laughter will occur in different circumstances and conditions. It can be linked to chance or provoked by jokes or humorous traits. But currently the social, professional or news context brings few opportunities to laugh, even comedians must be careful to accommodate the many sensitivities, because we do not all have the same sense of humor. So we have fewer opportunities to laugh.
The good news is that the practice of Laughter Yoga does not require humor. It is not an «intellectual» method, it is a method of breathing, essentially of exhalation through laughter. It is also a method of mobility, movements, coordination, games, interactions, between participants bringing what we are recommended today, the famous «letting go».
Henri salvador had also performed a song «Faut rigoler».
He also used laughter as a «text» in one of his songs «Avec la bouche».
Just like Philippe Catherine did with “Moustache”.
Only people who like to laugh are serious. Others take themselves seriously. - Jean Caplanne
a breathing exercise
Laughter yoga sessions make laughter a breathing exercise that does not require a good mood.
The adult throughout his evolution has acquired modes of functioning, frameworks, stereotypes, beliefs according to his country of origin, his social environment, his education, or his religion, who have suppressed his spontaneous manifestations of his emotions for fear of ridicule (not crying), good manners (not yawning, not laughing too loudly…).
Laughter Yoga teaches the body to regain spontaneous reflexes like children. Laughter is liberating from tension, brings relaxation, relaxation and flexibility.
Dynamism and optimism
The practice of LAUGHTER YOGA brings dynamism and optimism and encourages everyone to better approach life in general while forging a positive mind to face the vagaries of everyday life.
Laughter is necessary in lifestyle, it is excellent for health.
How? Because regular continuous laughter improves oxygenation in the body, facilitates the production of many hormones including endorphins (happiness hormones), serotonin and dopamine.
The Benefits for health
Each episode of laughter helps the flow of life:
Blood pressure decreases, the arteries of the heart facilitate the passage of blood and oxygen,
the two branches of the autonomic nervous system are rebalancing
and even immune cells are more active against viruses or cancer…

Struggle against pain

Facilitates digestion

Improves sleep

Good for the heart Lowers hypertension

Strengthens the immune system

Regulates cholesterol and blood sugar
We all need Laughter Yoga because we all take life too seriously! Now is the time to take laughter seriously. - Madan Kataria
The effects on the mind
The effects of Laughter Yoga make people feel better in their body, in their head because there are less obsessions or ruminations, they feel more joyful and therefore happier.
The effects are lasting in the day and it is easy to practice it in its daily activities,
then the effects can become permanent.

Release of obsessions and ruminations

Anti stress first-rate

Strengthening positive ideas

Let go Step back

Emotional intelligence

Physiological regulator and psychological
The ability to laugh is proof of an excellent soul. - Jean Cocteau
Laughter, a Social Connector
Quality of life depends on the quality of our social relationship in the midst of our friends, in the workplace or in our relationships in society.
Laughter brings positive energy, which helps people communicate more easily with each other and improves relationships.
If you laugh more, you will feel better, more in tune with yourself, happier, then you will attract more people who like you will want to put a smile in their lives, and learn to protect yourself from people said to be toxic.
Positive attitude in difficult times
Laughter Yoga teaches people to laugh unconditionally so that anyone who practices can laugh even when going through difficult times, trials of life.
Laughter provides strength in adversity, a coping mechanism to help people maintain a positive mental attitude regardless of circumstances.
Better performance
Laughing exercises increase the supply of oxygen to our body and brain, which helps to be more conscious, improves efficiency and performance, promotes concentration and allows to work better more and more by feeling less fatigue. Applied in a professional context, it raises individual and collective performance.
your questions
What will I feel after a laughter yoga session ?
We are all individuals, coming at a time in our lives, in a context, and with different histories and needs. How to predict how everyone will react after a session?
However I give you feedback and testimonies to guide you and not leave you in the blur.
Of course, the benefits of practicing LAUGHTER YOGA are many and varied (all scientifically proven) for physical and moral health, mood and social relationships (as I outlined in the “What is LAUGHTER YOGA” page)
- Deep and prolonged abdominal breathing allows oxygenation of the body. The association with movements and movements promotes blood circulation, lymphatic promoting nutrition and elimination by your body and thus fortifying your energy. LAUGHTER YOGA also strengthens your immune system and can contribute to the healing of pathologies such as hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, depression, allergies, asthma, bronchitis, back pain and significantly improves sleep disorders, migraines, pain and the list is far from exhaustive.
- Mental health, which combines “mental” and “moral” is of course favorably impacted by the practice of LAUGHTER YOGA by exposure to joyful moments, even if forced or not sincere since we saw it in the presentation, there is no need to want to laugh or have a sense of humor. Laughter changes your mood in minutes by releasing natural endorphins. These are the famous hormones of well-being. Moreover, modern science explains through many media that the quality of our days depends on our sleep and our mood: If your mood is positive, then your day will be joyful. Laughter strongly contributes to a more positive outlook on life.
Come and be open to the journey I propose, its discovery and see what will happen for you.
Sensations after a session :
- Relaxed: stress or pain has disappeared or at least been alleviated.
- Emotionally more grounded, more concrete.
- The mind is clearer, more precise and sharper.
- More at peace with yourself, more confident and better self-esteem.
- More connected and comfortable with the people around you
Sometimes people feel tired right after the session, sometimes they feel particularly fit, with tone, but all find that they feel better equipped to face the daily challenges, more confident in themselves, more motivated in a better mood and that this continues for several days.
I also had people who had a lot of difficulties during the first session, but who persevered and managed to “Let go” and feel the benefits after 3 sessions; because with LAUGHTER YOGA, there is no judgment, we do neither “good” No harm and mostly good.
Try not to judge how you feel after a session, be in the welcome and observation: maybe you will find some changes in you or around you in the days or weeks following the session.
How will laughter yoga bring me relaxation ?
I always concoct my sessions in advance according to whether the group knows itself or not, according to its progress, if the participants came before or not.
I choose the exercises in my “laughing bar” and combine them to prepare a different cocktail each time, inspired by a theme or a story. I consider a rhythm but also adapt to the dynamics of the group.
When you are trained and laughing, it is impossible for you to think about your worries, worries or concerns. You are in a relaxation of consciousness and mental that doctors advocate especially in times of great stress.
In addition, when you laugh, your body and muscles relax naturally: you experience body relaxation.
What is the best time for a laughter yoga session and how long should it last ?
Although it is always a good time to laugh, ideally, a LAUGHTER YOGA session should take place in the morning, because the session gives tone, energy even in just 15 to 20 minutes and allows you to stay in a good mood throughout the day and even for a few days. Practice in the evening, can delay falling asleep.
The best duration of the session is 1 to 1.5 hours
How many sessions are needed and how often ?
Even if you feel the benefits from the first session, it is good to do some to follow, to master the technique. The number of sessions depends on the individual and how fully engaged they are. The minimum is 5 sessions spaced from 1 week to 15 days to train and (re)train the body and mind to laugh spontaneously, easily and freely. This time also allows you to master breathing exercises, so that you can practice individually, ideally every day. You will see that it is very easy and is done anywhere for 15 or 20 minutes, even less everyday!
We also recommend at the end of the 5 sessions, to come from time to time to practice within a group, to acquire new laughter, revive the energy by sharing that of the group and meet other “Laughing”.
Do I need to prepare before a laughter yoga session ?
Especially not say I, come as you are, in the mood of the moment, and the less you want to come, the more beneficial the session will be. By joining the group we will ask you to let go of your mind, to let yourself be carried away by the rhythm. We will ask you to free yourself from your daily habits, your reflexes and to forget for an hour your conscious commitment to try to find your playful, naive, child free side.
Small recommendations to make the most of the session :
- Arrive at least 5 minutes earlier, so as not to have the stress of being late.
- Wear comfortable clothing
- Have good hydration and bring something to drink during or after the session
- Bring a yoga mat for the time of meditation and relaxation, if you are afraid to lie on the ground, which is very good for reconnecting with the Earth.”
- Have a clear intention of improvement or change, be motivated.
Are there any contraindications to the practice of LAUGHTER YOGA ?
Laughter is universally well tolerated, and Dr. Kataria designed his method to be accessible and easy for everyone, regardless of age, physical or mental fitness, social category, environment (school, business, association, hospital, retirement homes, etc. so that everyone can enjoy the benefits of laughter.
Even those who are in a bad mood, depressed or have no sense of humor can enjoy the benefits of a LAUGHTER YOGA session!
Come and bring everyone you think needs it.
Caution is still recommended in people with certain pathological conditions.
- Fever,
- Acute or persistent cough causing shortness of breath, asthamtic period too strong
- heart disease with severe angina pain
- acute back or cervical pain problems, hernia.
- uncontrolled hypertension
- Unprotected incontinence
- following a recent major surgery, wait 2 months
Whatever your doubts, ask your doctor beforehand if you can come and practice LAUGHTER YOGA safely. Anyway, at the beginning of the session I always remind participants to respect each other and do what they can. I have experienced the benefits with physically disabled people, and/ or mentally and also convalescing.
What place does relaxation occupy in laughter yoga ?
We concoct sessions where the relaxation is total: when you laugh, impossible to think about his worries, traces or concerns. We are in mental relaxation (and aware that doctors observe the greatest benefits). Then, laughing, the body and muscles relax naturally: you live a body relaxation. To our knowledge, there is no method as fast and accessible that brings complete relaxation (body and mind) from the first time.
Who can participate in a laughter yoga session ?
The laughter yoga we offer is designed to be accessible and easy for everyone. It is a value that we defend: making the benefits of laughter easy and accessible to all. Even those who are in a bad mood or do not have a sense of humor can benefit from our meetings. We take care of everything.
What effects does laughter have on health ?
40 years of scientific literature attest: the impact on health and vitality is proven. Laughter yoga strengthens your immune system and contributes to the healing of pathologies such as hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, depression, allergies, asthma, bronchitis, back pain and significantly improves sleep disorders, migraines, pain… the list is far from exhaustive.
Does laughter yoga impact morale ?
Mental and moral, that is, mental health, are not forgotten. They both expose themselves to joyful moments. Finally, the participants leave with a renewed tone and recognize that they are better equipped to face the daily challenges. The effects continue and concern self-confidence, motivation and good mood. Moreover, modern science teaches us that the quality of our days depends on our mood.
If your mood is positive, then your day will be joyful. Laughter changes your mood in minutes by releasing natural endorphins. These are the famous hormones of well-being. Laughter strongly contributes to a more positive outlook on life.