history of Reiki
Since antiquity, Rei Ki is the Japanese term that translates the concept of energy of the Universe.
It is the equivalent of Chinese «qi» and Indian «Prana».
The use of Vital energy by affixing hands to heal has existed for thousands of years and has been passed down from generation to generation.
Mikao Usui
Mikao Usui, Founder of the Reiki Usui
The history of Reiki begins with its founder, Mikao Usui.
Born in 1865 in Japan to a wealthy Buddhist family, he received a solid education, studied in a Buddhist monastery where he learned martial arts, fencing and Kiko (equivalent to Chinese Qi Gong).
Throughout his education and life, Mikao Usui was interested in medicine, psychology and theology.
He travelled for several years in America, Europe and Asia.
The revelation that changed his life
At the age of 55, like many Japanese, he chose the temple of Kurama northeast of Kyoto to make a retreat and practice the young, meditation and prayer.
On the 21st day, Mikao Usui experienced an event that changed his life forever.
He felt an intense energy in him, saw as a light on his head and symbols then lost consciousness. The next day, when he woke up, he felt as empuissancé, awake, in consciousness of being the universe and in the universe. Like an “enlightenment” of Buddha.
Upon reaching the main temple of Kurama, he hit one of the many roots of the trees that cover the coline of Kurama and fell. By affixing his hands, he realized that the pain was rapidly leaving. On returning home, he tried on his family, and realized that he could heal some pains and troubles.
Teaching his method
In 1922, he opened an institute Le Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakai, to teach and transmit the teaching of the principles and fundamentals of Reiki Usui as well as the practice of Reiki Ryoho to the public.
Through word of mouth, people came further and further to receive healing and teaching.
He then created a method of formal harmonization “Reiju”, in order to make learning Reiki easier.
Usui Sensei taught over 2,000 people Usui Reiki, 21 of whom reached the Shimpinden level and thus became Shihan = Reiki Master.
Transmission and evolution by Dr Ayashi
Dr Hayashi was one of Usui Sen Sei’s students.
Retired naval officer and surgeon, he is credited with developing the Reiki Usui method by adding the position of the hands on the lower part of the body and performing the sessions in elongated position.
In turn, he trained several other Reiki masters, including Takata.
Reiki does not lie in healing, but in improving the quality of life in general.
It should be a tool to help us resonate with our energy and be able to achieve spiritual peace (Anshin Ritsumei).
Mikao Usui
The Healing of Hawayo Takata
Hawayo Takata, a woman from a Japanese family, was born in 1900 in Hawaii. After the death of her husband and sister, she took care of her two daughters alone. She had to work a lot but was diagnosed with cancer and was recommended for surgery. During a trip to Tokyo in 1935, her instinct made her feel that she did not need this operation to be cured.
By asking her doctor for alternative treatments for her condition, she was presented with the Reiki she had never heard of. Skeptical, Takata nevertheless made an appointment with Dr Hayashi and received treatment on a weekly basis. She found the sessions to be relaxing and enjoyable and, in the end, after a few months, she was totally healed.
Hawayo Takata
Amazed by the result, she asked Dr Hayashi to explain how to use and transmit the energy of Reiki to others. Takata learned Reiki I and Reiki II.
On her return to Hawaii, she continued to practice Reiki. On Dr. Hayashi’s trip to Hawaii in 1940, she became a Reiki Master.
Hawayo also wanted to spread the healing system. She developed her practice and in turn trained 22 Reiki Masters, making small adaptations to the Western way of thinking and creating in 1975 the Western Reiki
In 1980, 21 Masters met and founded the association “Reiki Alliance” under the aegis of Philis Lei Furumoto granddaughter of Takata Hawayo.
Barbara Lay, the 22nd Reiki Master decided to create a new lineage “The Radiance Technique”.
Since 1982, Reiki continues to evolve and develop.
The universe is in me and I am the universe.
Mikao Usui’s Precept
a bit of history

Before the Second World War, Reiki had been taught in several institutes in Japan, taught by Masters trained by Dr Mikao Usui and Dr Hayashi.

But in 1947 after World War II, Commander Mac Arthur, on behalf of the American government, pressured Emperor Hirohito and the Japanese to collaborate. Political and social reforms were imposed and enacted prohibiting in particular oriental medicines.

It was said for many years that Reiki was no longer practiced and had disappeared from Japan. But today we know that some masters continued to practice secretly and transmitted their methods. When Western Reiki was brought back to Japan in the 1980s, it helped to reveal and reactivate Traditional Japanese Reiki.

The association NPO Japan Reiki was created in 1994 in Osaka to promote awareness of the Reiki method to help people properly understand Japanese Traditional Reiki, its energy benefits for health, but also for spirituality and well-beingbe in general.

NPO Japan Reiki Association then opened branches in Tokyo and Kobe and since the years 2010 abroad Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, India, Canada, Germany and France now that I have the pleasure and the honor to represent.

In 2019, I become Reiki Master and teach the different degrees of Reiki.

I offer Reiki sessions and trainings at levels 1, 2 and 3 of traditional Japanese Reiki Usui.