Make an appointment with Cecile Thomas by phone 07 66 40 45 88 or email [email protected]

sourire yogadurire

The Laughter Yoga

History of the Yoga of Laughter


Dr Madan Kataria
Dr Madan Kataria

In the early 1990s, Dr Madan Kataria was a general practitioner, working in a hospital in Mumbai, India. He also wrote articles for medical journals.

the first tests
Anatomy of an Illness As Perceived by the Patient Reflections on Healing and Regeneration

In March 1995, while preparing his article «Laughing- The Best Medicine», Dr Kataria discovered numerous scientific studies that described the benefits of laughter on the human mind and body.

He was particularly impressed by Norman Cousins' book «Anatomy of a Illness» which told the story of the treatment of his announced incurable disease, thanks to laughter.
It was also marked by the findings and results of Dr Lee Berk’s research which showed that laughter reduces the level of stress hormones and promotes a clear improvement of the immune system.

Convinced that more laughter was needed to improve health and cope with the stress of modern life, Dr Kataria immediately decided to test the impact of laughter on himself and others.

Launch of the first «Laughter Club»

On March 13, 1995 at 7 a.m., Dr Kataria went to the public park of his neighborhood in Mumbai (as many Indians are used to in the morning) and launched the first «Laughter Club» with 5 people who decided to meet each morning.

During the first meetings, the group formed a circle with a person in the center, to tell a joke or a funny story. Everyone appreciated and felt good for the rest of the day and in a few days the group reached 50 people.

Avec le Dr Madan Kataria

However, after two weeks, the stock of good jokes and stories was depleted and mocking, more sarcastic, less funny or meaner jokes were told. Two offended participants complained that it would be better to interrupt the Club than to continue such jokes.

Dr. Kataria then asked the members of the Club to give him a day to find a solution that would resolve the crisis.

That night, he reviewed his research and readings and found the answer in this statement: «Our body does not differentiate between authentic laughter and simulated laughter, both produce the same biochemistry»

Our body does not differentiate between authentic laughter and simulated laughter, both produce the same biochemistry.

The «Laughter Yoga» was born

The next morning, he explained this to the group and asked them to try to play an artificial laugh with him for a minute. Despite the skepticism, the band members tried, and in a short time the laughter became contagious. Participants laughed like never before for almost ten minutes.

Dr Kataria’s wife, Madhuri, a teacher of Pranayama Yoga, found similarities in breathing between yoga and laughter. The couple decided to incorporate elements of this ancient form of yoga into laughter exercises.

Docteur Kataria et sa femme Madhuri

Some time later, Dr Kataria decided to stop his medical practice activity to devote himself to teaching and promoting Laughter Yoga in order to spread his easy and beneficial method for health and well-being to a wider audience.

Dr Kataria set up animator trainings and organized the creation of clubs in other parks and cities in India.


First laughter clubs
Yoga du Rire Internatinal day

Dr. Kataria received an invitation from the American psychologist Steve Wilson to visit the United States for 6 weeks and discover the LAUGHTER YOGA. The first laughter clubs outside India were created.

Laughter Yoga reaches Europe
yoga du rire entreprise rennes harmonyme

On January 1, 2000, more than 10,000 people gathered in Copenhagen, Denmark, and laughed for an entire hour to celebrate the new millennium. Then, YOGA LAUGHTER Clubs flourished all over Europe

Foundation of the International University of LAUGHTER YOGA
Fondation de l’Université Internationale de YOGA DU RIRE

Dr. Kataria founded and opened the International University of Laughter Yoga. Millliers of teachers now provide the practice in more than 105 countries around the world.

Pauline Fung «Gogogo» in Hong Kong and Fabrice Loizeau in France are among the first 20 experts trained by Dr. Kataria, who continues to travel the world to promote the benefits of his method.

Creation of the «International Day of Laughter»
journee mondiale du rire harmonyme

The International Day of Laughter takes place on May 1 to promote and disseminate this beneficial method.
Since then, LAUGHTER YOGA has been offered in retirement homes, schools and businesses.
It was during an evening gathering all the teachers and animators of the LAUGHTER YOGA of Hong Kong, that I met Doctor Kataria.

Obtaining the certificate of Leader of LAUGHTER YOGA
Obtention du certificat de Leader de YOGA DU RIRE

It was in March 2015 that I obtained the certificate of Leader of LAUGHTER YOGA in Hong Kong with Pauline Fung aka Gogogo.

Cécile Thomas d'Harmony Me, reçoit le diplôme de professeur de yoga du rire de la part de ses formateurs.

To go even further, in July 2015 I followed the training of Certified Teacher of LAUGHTER YOGA with Fabrice Loizeau in Rennes, France with a beautiful team of animators from all over France. We have all become certified teachers of LAUGHTER YOGA.

Setting up my training courses
HarmonyMe Assistance avec Gogogo pour les formations de Leaders de YOGA DU RIRE

Since then I organize monthly or bi-monthly laughter yoga sessions, for associations, companies or volunteering in a retirement home in Hong Kong.
I also do Assistance with Gogogo for LAUGHTER YOGA Leaders trainings. These trainings are for premises and are entirely in Cantonese…
I do not understand anything, they do not speak too much English, and LAUGHTER YOGA can be a UNIVERSAL practice!

Interventions in enterprises
bnp paribas

Interventions in companies for team building workshops, breathing for concentration and efficiency during seminars or symposiums, team building.

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